What a year it has been! “Jesus Year” turned 1 on December 22, 2021. I have been blown away by the love and support you’ve shown me (thanks again for making it a bestseller on Amazon earlier this year), and I’ve been encouraged by everyone who has personally reached out to let me know that they read the book and got something valuable from it.
Now you can HEAR me narrate my own words. The book is now available as an audiobook on Audible! Head to bit.ly/listentojesusyear to get your copy. But first, listen to this snippet from Chapter 2 of “Jesus Year”!
I spent five weeks recording the audiobook (a few nights a week after work and on the weekend). It truly was a labor of love. I learned to love my voice and, in the process of recording, learned to value it as an instrument. No one could bring my words to life quite like me, so I slowly but surely got past my dislike of the sound of my voice. Now I get misty-eyed hearing the power and conviction behind me reading my own words aloud. I overcame the (self-imposed) obstacles and gave it my best shot.
But it was by no means an easy undertaking to record an audiobook. One of my many MS symptoms is slurred speech, which usually comes when I’m fatigued. I stumbled over my words more times than I can count while recording, often causing frustration that my mouth couldn’t get my words out clearly. In those times, I had to remember my “why.”
What kept me going was thinking of the MS warriors who would benefit from listening to the audiobook. Optic neuritis and other vision ailments plague many people living with MS, so having a book in audio form means that more people have access to “Jesus Year” and, thus, more people could be empowered and encouraged by its insights.
However, any one can leave listening to “Jesus Year” feeling uplifted and inspired — exactly what we need as we head into a new year! Head to Audible to get the audiobook, or gift it to a friend who needs a dose of feel-good motivation.
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